Hi, I am Felicia

I am here to reclaim our authentic joy and pleasure of life

— from a culture that focuses on performance & ignores the rhythms of life

I am here to awaken the wisdom in our bodies

— from a culture that ignores and shames our bodies

I am here to cultivate eroticism and pleasure in sex

— from a culture that “does” sex, rather than dissolves in the intimacy of the sexual act

I am here to celebrate our life!


ORF Thema: Frust mit der Lust – Tabuthema weiblicher Orgasmus

Sharing my personal story from faking orgasms. A story of trans-generational cycle breaking and true emancipation.

Miss Magazine: Let's Talk About Sex

In this interview I am busting myths about sex and also giving you practical tips on how to improve your communication about sex with your partner.

Frauenstimmen: "Eine Reise zur wahren sexuellen Identität"

This episode encourages you to overcome barriers, deeply held beliefs and social expectations and take a new look at your own sexuality.



I was born in 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell, and my birth country, Moldova, was also born.

The overall mood was of survival. In my family, we did not show vulnerability - less pain, but also less love and aliveness. I grew up being told to control my emotions and sometimes got ass-whooped. The feeling of being strong and frozen will follow me till my late 20s in my day-to-day and sex life.


I became aware of porn and masturbation, but I was never into it. Even boys were not interesting to me.

I recall watching “Coyote Ugly” with my grandma - she decided to join me at the TV. While watching it, I felt pleasure in my pussy, but also a deep sense of shame.

My grandma also decided to educate me about sex. She revealed that she never really enjoyed sex, which led to my grandpa being a serial cheater and ultimately divorcing my grandma. What I took away then was I must entertain the man in the bedroom - otherwise, I will be alone.

At 17, I am already interested in the human psyche - but I cannot understand how to make a living out of it. So I enroll in business school.

Early 20s

I'm still a virgin, not by conviction, but somehow I did not find any guy interesting. One night I went out for drinks with two other friends, and the next thing I knew, is having sex with one of them in my own student dorm. I figured I must have invited him. Otherwise, he would not be in my bedroom. I dealt with it like always, played it cool and casual. It must have been my fault, anyhow.

Shortly after losing my virginity, I met my husband. As we started dating, I fell unconsciously into the "entertain the man" program. I was having loud sex, faking orgasms, having sex because he wanted to, and going directly to penetration without foreplay.

In the meantime, I started my career. I wanted to be taken seriously for my intellect, so I joined the hamster wheel of workaholism in strategy consulting. I became the "machine" that could get anything done.

Late 20s

I keep on having sex despite random pain during sex. Given that there was no pattern to the pain and doctors could not find anything, I convinced myself that it was not severe and I was exaggerating it.

My dedication to work allowed me to dissociate myself from my body entirely. I added 20kg extra, wore baggy jeans, and never looked at myself in the mirror.

It took a severe accident to force me to confront the reality of my situation. I realized I could have been dead without really having lived on my own terms. There was so much I wanted to do. I made a list. I wanted to feel alive. I wanted to feel sexy. But I was lost and did not know where to start.

I figured that I am attracted to BDSM. I was craving to let go in total submission.

Half a year later, I asked my husband to open the marriage. During the next 3 years, I had several wonderful partners. I learned a lot about myself, but I was still faking orgasms, “entertaining the man,” and as much as I felt dominated, I did not feel freer.

Throughout my open marriage, I already started regularly seeing a therapist. The new relationships opened old wounds. I became fascinated with how much freer and more alive I could become if I just dared to look at my pain.

Early 30s

I put an end to my open marriage. I realized the key to true intimacy was inside me.

I took an almost 1-year break from penetrative sex, even with my husband, because as soon as I was touched, my mind went into overdrive trying to understand if I really wanted it or if I was doing it to please him.

I started meditating & found my daily practices to ground and listen to myself. I went to India to volunteer in an ashram. I started my education to become a therapist.

I understood the power of being present and allowing pleasure in my life. I understood how sex techniques are no guarantee of orgasmic bliss. In fact, focusing on technique can create turn off. I understood the power of intimate sexual relationships to heal and experience aliveness.


I decided to follow my calling to guide people to embrace their authentic erotic aliveness.

I envision a world in which our intimate relations are a safe space to explore our authentic selves, bringing adventure back into play and creativity into our lives.




2025 - present: Unshaming Process-Oriented Facilitation by David Bedrick

2024 - 2025 (ongoing): Somatic Sexological Bodywork, Germany

2024 (full year): Holistic approach to personal balance by Marija Mischkulnig

2024: Embodied Facilitator Course by Mark Walsh/ Embodiment Unlimited

2024: Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma by NICABM

2021 - 2023: Brennan Healing Science, UK

2022 - 2023: Anatomy and Physiology, UK

2021: Oxford Women's Leadership Development Programme, Oxford University

2013: MSc in International Management / CEMS, Austria & Russia

2011: BSc in Management, UK & Canada


2024:  Awakening the Pleasure Body by Michaela Boehm, Netherlands

2023: SkyWomen/ Sky Men: The Great Union, France

2023: SkyWomen: An in-depth exploration of feminine sexuality in the spirit of Tantra, France

2023: Shoonya - Isha Foundation, Germany

2023: Holotropic breathing, Czech Republic

2022: Bhava Spandana - Isha Foundation, Germany

2022: Yogaasaans & Angamardana - Hatha Yoga, Austria

2022: One month at the Ashram, India

2021: Inner Engineering, online

2019 - 2021: All sexy dancing classes at Pole Dance, Austria

2020: Yoni and Lingam intimate massage, Austria

2019: Bondage / Von Seilen umarmt und gehalten, Austria

2019: BDSM / Playing by Heart, Austria


Workshops for Women

Women have always been gathering in circles. These circles meetings give us women a safe space to connect, share, and transform. Join to embrace the inner wisdom!

Workshops for Everyone

As a society we need both men and women to come together. Workshops offer us the possibility to see people beyond their society’s masks and in full vulnerability. Join to expand your horizon!

Workshops for Couples

There is a misconception that relationship should just work, although all of us know it is not true! My husband and I are here to share the key practical principles for your relationship to thrive!

1:1 Coaching

Our work together is a collaboration. I can’t fix you because you’re not broken. I am here to help you evolve and transform in ways you never thought possible. In 1:1 sessions, there is enough time, space and focus exactly what needs attention.

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